Breakfast Quesadillas

27 Apr
Breakfast Quesadilla

Breakfast Quesadilla

I didn’t know my Maternal Grandmother very well as she lived miles away and passed when I was young.  I never realized how much one story of her impacted my life until lately.

My father would tell stories of how my Uncle would bring him home, unannounced for the weekend. (They served in the Navy together and this was before he dated and married my mother) My Grandmother had lots of children so one more mouth to feed seemed like nothing. My father would tell of how she would go into the kitchen and put together a meal like he had never dreamed of. There was always a sense of amazement in his voice as he would clarify they were of little means but you would’ve never known it by the food sitting on the kitchen table.

I know realize that story has always been an internal goal for me. When my son was little and I too was strapped for cash I would make his baby food from fresh ingredients rather than store-bought. When he got older I would plan my weekly menu so that I could utilize my leftovers rather than throw them out. And now when I could probably become wasteful without noticing I reach in my freezer for those beloved leftovers to re-construct them into a meal that no one would expect to be served on a moments notice. This recipe is one. Our breakfast after returning from our extended vacation and still needing to go to the market.

DSC_0888Ingredients in this quesadilla: (Remember you can use anything, and a little amount goes along way)

  • leftover beef roast diced
  • leftover diced onions and sweet corn
  • eggs
  • Mexican cheddar cheese mixture
  • flour tortillas
  • sour cream
  • tomatoes, diced
  • a little cumin, black pepper and salt

In a small skillet re-heat the beef roast, onions and corn. Once it is thoroughly re-heated add a couple of eggs, season with the cumin, pepper and salt. Cook until the eggs are scrambled well. Heat a large skillet over medium high heat, dry. Place a tortilla in the hot skillet, sprinkle with cheese leaving about 1/2-inch diameter around the entire tortilla. Add the beef and egg mixture to one half, sprinkle with more cheese, add a few diced tomatoes and fold the empty half of tortilla over the mixture. Fry dry until both sides of the flour tortillas are browned to your liking. Top with a spoon full of sour cream, a little cheese and tomatoes.

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